Opening Hours: Mon – Sat : 10.00am – 6.00pm, Sunday Closed


IIIFT - Fashion Design College Interior Design College in Mumbai



Successfully completing both our fashion design and dressmaking courses can give you the skills and inspiration to make garments specifically tailored to your size and style, or for others. Alternatively, completing the courses can even be a starting point for a career within other exciting areas of the fashion industry.


After studying the international fashion requirements, IIIFT has designed its courses to meet the international standards in education. Fashion and Interior are dynamic in nature. Also, our fashion design courses have been created so you can study when and where you like. You can then fit your studies around your family, job or other commitments.


Courses at IIIFT has been created in such a way, so anyone can learn useful skills to create stylish garments. Upon successful completion of few semesters, you will have the prerequisite knowledge to complete the final advanced creations in design.

Top 10 Reasons to be at IIIFT

Money–the price is right
IIIFT tuition is more affordable than almost any other Indian International Institution.

Simple procedures
We’ll greet you with open arms. So, get started.

Location, location, location
IIIFT choose to be always at a quite place to give the students peace of mind to bring life in their creativity. Classes start as early as 9:30 a.m. The last classes begin at 4.00 p.m. Or take weekend classes for your convenience.

Real job skills
We offer top-notch technical skills training. We have advisors in every marketable discipline to make sure we offer what employers specify.

Small classes
You will have an opportunity to work closely with teachers. You will not be one of 30 in a lecture hall. Its more likely you’ll be one of 10-15 students in any given class.

IIIFT offers n numbers of areas of study. Explore. Be curious. There’s no pressure.

Talented teachers
Our faculty is a diverse group of people, acclaimed in academia and in trades and skills training. They are all here because they believe in the mission of a creative study.

Caring academic and career advisors
IIIFT’s advisors are here to help create your educational plan, examine your career goals and cheer you on.