Opening Hours: Mon – Sat : 10.00am – 6.00pm, Sunday Closed



IIIFT - Fashion Design College Interior Design College in Mumbai

IIIFT stands for International Institute of Interior and Fashion Technology being run under the guidance of The OrangeInk Creative Education Foundation, registered with govt of India. Our programs are designed to maximize the impact of the fashion and interior industry for Fashion and Interior Designing Courses. We are training partners with established industry auditors amongst which are Maharashtra Tech & Self Employment Training Soc – MTSTS/ATC/2014/48 and Quality Council of India, Membership No. – ORG/CS/SR/353. The Degree Programs are accredited by UGC recognised university, in Fashion and Interior Design. The programs include workshops and field trips that enhance students’ natural talent and provide training and business resources in the fashion and retail industries. Instructors and industry professionals bring hands on approach to the classroom as students are introduced to various aspects of fashion. In addition to receiving an overview of the business, technical and creative side of fashion, students are allowed to decide their future plans. IIIFT helps its students in either getting placed with reputed organizations or in setting up their self-owned business. In order to strengthen the industry-education linkage, IIIFT students participate in field trips to fashion and retail outlets and events. Field trips are designed to teach students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to the real world. Students also have the opportunity to apply what they have learned by producing a fashion show using their own designs.

We make it easy. Open access means there is a place for everyone. Tuition costs are more affordable at every course level. The lessons themselves are a mix of lectures, hands-on activities, role-plays and assignments. Real life case scenarios are woven into the development to facilitate better learning and absorption

A superb faculty—and a faculty-to-student ratio of 1:10—means our students get personal attention from exceptional academic and vocational professionals.

OUR MISSION : IIIFT prepares students for professional excellence in design, fashion, and business by providing the premier educational experience that fosters creativity, career focus, and a global perspective.

To fulfill its mission:
• IIIFT develops students aesthetic, intellectual, analytical, and technological abilities through programs that integrate theory and practice.
• IIIFT offers students a rigorous and innovative curriculum taught by faculty with outstanding academic and industry experience.
• IIIFT is committed to a broad-based education in the areas of Fashion and Interior
Designing Courses.
• IIIFT exposes students to their chosen professions through internships, guest lectures, industry-sponsored projects, and other opportunities for experiential learning.
• IIIFT promotes student growth and self-development through student support services, programs, and activities.
• IIIFT provides students with a multifaceted educational experience, which incorporates the vast resources of International Standards.
• IIIFT, an urban institution, provides an education of exceptional quality and affordability.

CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATION IIIFT is available to high school or above pass-outs and who are interested in pursuing higher education in fashion design and/or merchandising. Guidance counselors assist Fashion Institute staff by screening prospective participants and advising them of the opportunity to gain exposure to fashion and retail training through the Fashion Institute.

FACULTY MEMBERS : Many faculty here are working professionals in their respective fields. By tapping into this pool of recognized talent, the school brings a real-world perspective, work setting and industry standards into the classroom.
Likewise, many students gain on-the-job skills through participation in internship or externship experiences at local companies and nationally recognized corporations. Our Career Services department keeps its eye on employer satisfaction and industry trends to provide employers with candidates who fulfill their needs while enabling graduates’ career success, both now and in the future.