Opening Hours: Mon – Sat : 10.00am – 6.00pm, Sunday Closed


Home/Fashion Business Management

IIIFT - Fashion Design College Interior Design College in Mumbai
International Fashion Business Management Program - 1 Year

IIIFT’s Fashion Business Management program prepares you for the increasingly competitive, global and innovative fashion and retail industries. You’ll gain a strong foundation in business and fashion studies and then you’ll delve into specialized areas such as fashion product development (including ethical sourcing and the applications of creative software) and marketing communications (including social media and fashion show production). In the Field projects, you’ll apply your marketing and product development skills to help a fashion industry “client” find new ways to do business. FBM Work Study exposes you to a head office environment and what executives do at this level in our industry.

Program Learning Outcomes:

As a graduate, you will be prepared to reliably demonstrate the ability to:
Understand the basic functions of retail store operation, including store location, layout, shopping centre analysis, marketing segmentation and merchandising mix. Understand the evolution of fashion in the current market place including contemporary designers and retailers in the fashion industry and vocabulary and terminology associated with fashion retailing.
Study the concepts of merchandise presentation through design projects and activities related to promotion.
Understand the sociological and psychological factors which influence the shape of fashion historically and the relationship of current fashion trends to current society.
Compose business communication in standard English which communicates effectively with a particular audience for a specific purpose, demonstrate the ability to read and comprehend written English in the business environment.
Understand the basic of sales management and promotion including motivation, evaluation, and the psychology of salesmanship.
Be able to use word processing and electronic spreadsheet program on microcomputers with business applications software.
Be able to identify the components of apparel and household fabrics and their performance in use, be able to identify fibre and yarn types and fabric construction.
Understand human relations and personnel including basic theories of motivation, communication, leadership and problem solving, and techniques of interviewing. Be able to understand the construction of fashion merchandise and the relationship of design, workmanship and price range to consumer satisfaction.
Apply the principles of retail advertising to point of purchase, national media, copywriting, layout and other production techniques.
Examine how the internet can be used for selling, marketing, customer service, and for strengthening brand loyalty.
Compose an ‘integrated marketing plan’ for a business.
Analyze an international market and design a business marketing strategy for entrance into that market.
Create a design presentation that incorporates a working knowledge of design software used in the fashion industry.
Examine the process of physical distribution of goods in international and manufacturing environments.
Demonstrate an understanding of economic principles and theories as they impact business decisions.



Admissions are open for the New Session. Limited seats to apply for !!
A get together will be organized for new students to gel with staff and senior students.
Students of Fashion Design will showcase their designer clothes in the event. Contact Center Manager on details.
Students have to clear both practical and theory exams as they have equal weightage now.

“With three distinct collections: Sporty, Sexy and Glam”

“Hand-woven silk dresses and cotton trousers, all for under Rs 12,000”

“Hand-woven silk dresses and cotton trousers, all for under Rs 12,000”